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牛媽日誌 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

這兩天Flat 71 出奇的安靜,因為許麗回中國了,我們家黑黑也因為交了新男友,所以整日都不在家,這跟之前每天早晨六點半準時吵鬧的 Flat 71 完全不同。

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牛媽日誌 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

If we say football is a national sport in the UK, I believe it is coz the trend of world cup is obviously a high fever here. A lot of companies even adjusted their working time just because their staffs had to cheer up for their team in front of TV screens when the England match starts. Take Primark for example, we worked from 900 to 1700 yesterday coz the match started at 1600, or originally we needed to work from 930 to 1930. But….I don’t know why I just cant adore football when everyone adore it so much even I was forced to understand football when I was writing one of our assignments about Manchester United Football Club…I think I still a baseball lover. Hehe.

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I’ve been living in the UK for one year today!!! So excited date, 23/Jun. It’s still very clear that we were droved by a stupid cab driver from airport to Adaulphi campus where is so far away from our intended accommodation, Castle Irwell. We contacted with one of previous classmates by merely an international cell phone then we went to Castle Irwell by another taxi after long time finally. Everything is just like that it happened yesterday clearly. I knew it will be the most special time in the coming year in my life at that time when I stand in front of my room. Indeed, time flies fast, today, 23/Jun, is the date that reminds me I need to treasure the rest of days in the UK although there are just three more months to go. Congratulation, Lesa! Cheers, Lesa! You did it.

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大家都知道 "罐頭" 這種食物是非必要否則不會常吃的,因為他有防腐劑,而且不營養....連要出國時老媽都特別交代不要常吃罐頭食物。可當我看到我們家黑黑每天每天不斷以罐頭為生時,有天,我忍不住跟她討論起這問題,她卻跟我說,不!他覺得罐頭食物比一般食物要好多了,為何呢?因為罐頭的製作過程比一般食物在運送過程還要乾淨多了,罐頭經過的人手少,直接由天然食物製成,少掉許許多多大盤中盤小盤零售商的層層運輸,所以少掉很多細菌呀、病菌的接觸。而當我跟她提起防腐劑這種東西時,她便拿起罐頭的成分說明,指著告訴我,上面並沒有任何提到防腐劑的字眼......當場害我不知該如何辯駁....是呀!她講的並沒有錯呢......所以結論是!!罐頭是健康的食物嗎??

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  • May 24 Wed 2006 17:25
  • 挑戰


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牛媽日誌 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The first exam in the semester 2, Services Marketing, I got up early in the morning about 8:00. Although it was bad for me to get up early and have an exam, I saw a beautiful rainbow in the cloudy sky. I hope that was luck news for today's exam.

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So busy I am in the following week!!!

Exams, new job training, working, returning books, gatherings...etc. A lot of matters make me cant concentrate on my preparation of exams....I feel so anxious. 

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  • May 17 Wed 2006 21:20
  • 信任


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