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最近家裡來了兩隻三個月不到的Akita,Money 和 Tango, 是昆那幫哥哥買的,準備回大陸做狗生意用。

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牛媽日誌 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

one year passed~
Manchester comes again~

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Eventually, I spent a lot of time and money to study here, UK, Salford, I've handed in my dissertation at 1:00 p.m., 25th, Oct., 2006.

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There are many stores start to sell X'mas stuffs. I can feel the atmosphere of X'mas is anywhere gradually. Remember I was busy on a lot of assignments at this time last year so that I didn’t feel too much this happiness of this holiday……This year, I will try to enjoy the final pre X’mas in the UK.

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牛媽日誌 發表在 痞客邦 留言(18) 人氣()

人的記憶跟回憶好奇妙,記得去年剛來時,台灣的人、事、 物,漸漸的,隨在英國的時間越來越長而越來越模糊,而英國的回憶也越來越多,越來越來深刻。慢慢的,似乎家鄉的一切好似多年前的事,是那樣的遙遠,自然的就被擺到心裡的深層。

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I've gone through two summers, two autumns, one winter, and one spring in the UK. Actually, it's always raining and windy at Manchester, but I really like the weather here. It's not too wet and not too hot, especially. Regarding the double wet and hot weather in Taiwan occurs to me, I always feel headache…I’m so afraid I can’t stand it anymore…

There are almost two months I’m going to stay here as I’ve bought the ticket to go back Taiwan.

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After finishing work, I just wanted to eat something tastes salty, therefore, on my way home, I went to KFC as I heard that a new spicy fried chicken launched last month in the UK. Then, I was so happy to bring this family basket and walked along with the river side as usual. I know I need to enjoy every time when I walk in Manchester while the time to go back home is closer and closer. It is real complicated mood to face the fact, leaving here. I know that is a life, Raza always says. I real like the slow paces here. I remember, last week, when I meet my supervisor, I told to him it will be a special year in my life. Then, he replied me why? Suddenly, I was surprised, yes, why? Maybe I’ll have another special experience in my life. But, I’m sure the Master degree will be the final degree for me as I’m so lazy on studying although the student’s life is the happiest time. hehe.

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現在則跟著一群夜貓子朋友晚睡晚起嚕...每天三點睡 (已經是最早睡的喔~),早上十一點起,雖然覺很長,卻都沒有睡得很好...

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  • Sep 07 Thu 2006 19:10
  • 放棄


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牛媽日誌 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

29.08.2006, 我離開了陪我幾近五十週的Matthias Court, 當揮著手跟許麗說再見走下樓梯,當關上大門,好像,我這年的記憶似乎也跟著這樣關上了一樣,這一年真的得到好多,好多以前工作上沒有得到或是碰上的東西,幾乎這年我都遇上也學到了,值得吧?我想。

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I think I get used to take my time and slow down my pace through this year in the UK. I still remember the first day when I registered for my summer course, it took me whole day!! At that time, I can’t believe it, why does this simple thing still need so much time to finish? Its totally difference from my city where everything is always so rush and everyone is always in a hurry. Hustle and bustle in my city can be seen everywhere. With many fashion and modern facilities and technology, we always can do anything on time quickly and efficiently not only office works but also private stuffs in our daily lives. But, through this year, I realize that this situation maybe just appears in many Asian cities, like Tokyo, Singapore, Hung Kung, Shan High, and Taipei, on contrary, in most of European countries, everyone usually takes his/her time and they are look like more patience to face anything. Hence, I think I like this value of life gradually…I like to take my time and slow down my pace coz I know when I do so I can find more new things and interesting stuffs around me. But when the day I need to go back is coming, I start to worry about if I can involve into the hurried city and life again. I’m so afraid.

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Goodbye, Nimo~
I'm going to send you back to Taiwan.

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  • Jul 26 Wed 2006 23:15
  • 丟棄

看著當初搬來 Matthias 後,細細分門別類整理的暑期語言課講義....

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  • Jul 26 Wed 2006 21:46
  • 長假


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