We were invited by a lovely British couple due to joining a activity hold on a Taiwanese clergyman.
It was a special experience for me having a traditional British dinner in a traditional British House, a cute house. When we entered this cute house, the friendly grandfather introduced every guests to each other. Other friends come from Africa. We told about evrything but I didnt understand several issues coz I still have some problems in listening English English.
I just remember some issues about current situation in the UK and international news, such as China, Africa and the problems in British society now.

Following the free talking was the most expectative time to me, a traditional British dinner, although Im not a food lover. hehe. The first one is tomato soup with some cream, and the main meal embraced some slices of meat, backed potatos, Yorkshire pudding, and boiled legumes. This is the first time to have the famous Yorkshire pudding!! Good~~its not too sweet. The only thing I remember is Im totally full at that time coz I ate two slices of meat........ for me, those were too much.....
The dessert was impressive as well. The traditional dessert made of strawberries, pudding and maybe cream. I forget that name but it was very yammy. I like it~
The friendly grandmother told me about the process to drink traditional British milk tea. Actully, we need to pour some milk into cup first, and then the tea, which is diffrenet from the process I made the milk tea before. I like english milk tea very much so that I almost drink a cup of tea everyday instead of drinking my favorite green tea in Taiwan. In addition, I've heard somebody said that the perfect milk tea cant be found in other counties coz the different quality of water and milk.
The British couple let me know there are still friendly and kind ppl in the UK, or I always think the british ppl have some certain of racial descrimination and unfrinedly. phew! not my bias because I had some uncomfortable experiences before, maybe I will still have in the days to come.