跟著一直講冷笑話的小剛剛小朋友吃吃睡睡,不然就是看著好笑的影片,心情真的很不錯!這和一個人關在小小的宿舍房間,天天搞自閉,自哀自憐 totally 不同,原來住的環境真的影響一個人這樣大。

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禮拜六拿到了我在英國的第一份薪水囉,回家後確認一下,若以原本認為的五鎊五一小時來算,還以為老闆算錯了....昨天再次確認,原來原來.....我打的是黑工呀.........不需要申請 insurance NO.、也不能退稅.....ㄟ....這跟我當初跟老闆談的不太一樣呢,原來我還真的跟老闆溝通不良耶....totally 搞錯,哈哈! 算了,薪水比預期少了一些,但那也沒辦法,雖然 ''上工" 路途也遙遠,不過還不至於太辛苦(目前看來,每天的客人都不多...) 而且可以練習一下英文,老闆有空還會小上一下英文課,她說她了解學第二語言的辛苦,因為她媽媽正在逼她學中文,哈哈!

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Time flies fast, Ive been here for almost 8 months. There are only about 6 months staying here. I dont know...it lets me feel complex, on the hand, i very expect to go back hometown; on the other hand, I hope I can stay here as long as possible. The changable mood changes every time.

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Today, my Indian flatmate made a lovely Indian food, chicken tikka massala, for us. It was very yummy and made me ate more than usual. This dish is created for British ppl although it is Indian food. I still remember the lecturer said it is originally traditional British food rather than fish and chips in the UK in last semester. I’m so lucky to eat it from my flatmate. Hehe!

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Today, there were two Chinese classmates blamed by the lecturer of Service Marketing because of late. Although they were unlucky, they still needed to be blamed coz they always late every time.

I don’t know why they never think it’s rude to go to lecture so late with no exceptions. I’m sorry to say that but they certainly need someone give them a lesson or they always view school  as Disney Land. 

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Next Monday will be the first day for my part time job in the UK, a Thai restaurant. One of my friends recommended me to the boss, a young and pretty Singaporean lady.

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